Start your LEAF Marque certification

As sustainability continues to rise on the global agenda, many retailers and manufacturers are now requiring Fresh Produce growers to be LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) Marque certified. LEAF Marque certification can help you positively impact the environment, protect your reputation, and demonstrate to your buyers and end users your commitment to being a responsible countryside custodian.

Some of the key timelines you need to know:  

  • Tesco is implementing the LEAF Marque environmental assurance scheme across its entire global produce supply chain, to improve environmental standards across 14,000 growers globally. All UK growers must achieve LEAF Marque certification by the end of 2022, and the Tesco global supply chain to be completed by 2025. 
  • Lidl GB has requested its fruit and vegetable farmers achieve LEAF Marque certification by the end of 2023. 
  • PepsiCo has pledged that all 300+ of its UK-based Quaker Oats farmers should achieve LEAF Marque certification by the end of 2023. 

If you are a food supplier to any of these organizations, you need to move quickly to avoid disruptions in your business. It is likely that other organizations will follow.  

NSF is an approved certification body to conduct LEAF Marque certification audits on your farm. As a market leader for LEAF Marque certification, with over 770 certified farms globally, our experts are ready to work with you.  We can also bundle your LEAF Marque audit with other schemes, such as Red Tractor, GLOBALG.A.P. and OHAS to save you time and money.  

To start the process, complete our form to access the application form, the standard and documentation. After filling in, please send the application to and our team will contact you soon.

Request your LEAF pack here


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Etiam volutpat luctus nibh, non accumsan erat pellentesque a. Quisque enim lacus, varius in dapibus in, lobortis sit amet turpis. Cras nec lobortis quam. Sed eget vestibulum mauris. Fusce consequat neque tellus, et laoreet massa vehicula vitae.

Proin tincidunt velit sit amet aliquet faucibus. Sed auctor vulputate nisl vel auctor. Cras rutrum orci ac lectus porttitor rhoncus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Duis tempus lorem ornare lacus cursus, eu semper nisl congue. Praesent nulla erat, egestas ac ex non, egestas porttitor nibh. Pellentesque mollis sapien vel mauris malesuada scelerisque. Aenean tincidunt sapien a orci vulputate, in eleifend tellus consequat. Sed finibus, sem in laoreet feugiat, odio ante aliquet leo, suscipit luctus sapien nisl sit amet nunc.